Recently, Eric Gehl, co-founder of, was invited by People First on EPP TV, a monthly program focusing on how legislation affects European citizens with a new guest each time answering questions from the public on a particular area of EU policy.
The theme of the April issue: How can SMEs power Europe’s recovery?
As is a young European start-up, Eric questioned the Commissioners about the challenges that encounter small and medium sized companies in the EU.
Indeed, start-ups in Europe have hard times today to find financing compared to other continents where the risk to invest is more flexible and quick. European funds seem to be attractive but too long. The question is, are we still competitive enough against our global competitors and how do we want to go further having innovations, little start-ups and small companies in a global world?
Antonio Tajani – European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Paul Rübig – Member of the European Parliament and Arnaldo Abruzzini – Secretary General of Eurochambres are answering Eric Gehls questions. Have a look at the video.