New on Hakisa: an alarm management application for IoT

March 28, 2018

Working for the well-being at home at all age, Hakisa technology integrates the alarm management of connected devices that secure homes and people. In order to best meet the needs of its customers and their users, Hakisa now offers business managers a complete alarm management application to manage their customers’ IoT alarms. Alarm management application: socializing the

EIT Health CARE Campus: a workshop for elderly care

May 19, 2016

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) addresses the issue of elderly care in a dedicated workshop called CARE Campus on May 25th and 26th 2016 in Strasbourg, France. EIT: developing and promoting European innovation The EIT is and independent organization of the European Union created in 2008 to support innovation and research throughout

10 Tips for the Awkward Age of Computing (part 2 of 2)

January 2, 2013

As promised in the previous post, here are the 5 followingTips for the Awkward Age of Computing. We hope that those tips will help you in your way of how to counter the effects of aging to make your computer more comfortable to use. Remeber that Microsoft provides even more tips for people with age-related

10 tips for the Awkward Age of Computing (part 1 of 2)

December 30, 2012

The older you get, the more you may struggle with the use of a computer. Sooner or later we all experience some loss of vision, hearing, or physical dexterity. Fortunately, personalization options in Windows make it easy to adjust your PC. As a lot of the Hakisa community members are Windows users, we decided to

Tablet or PC: which computer should you choose for a senior user? Follow our 5 purchasing tips!

December 16, 2012

  Internet is getting more and more important in our daily lives: communication, information, online shopping, administrative paperwork… Are you planning to offer a computer or a tablet PC to one of your loved ones or to yourself !? Perfect! Our tips will guide you through this oh so important buying choice to determine which

Hakiclic: Easy access to your preferred websites

October 27, 2012

Here we go for the next presentation episode of the different features on Hakisa. We recently started this season with posts about “My Hakisa” and “Hakifamily”. “One Button, One Action”. Today we shed the light on how to use Hakiclic – the third button on our platform. Access easily to your preferred web sites. On

Hakisas mission: narrow the digital divide

July 30, 2012

When Olivier Audouze and Eric Gehl saw how difficult it was for their parents to use the internet they had the idea to found Hakisa. Hakisa is a simple and secure platform, allowing persons challenged by the digital complexity to easily surf on the internet. With the help of a trusted person, called the “Musher”,