Discover the new and better Hakiweb!

As you might know, Hakisa is still in beta version. That is to say that we are constantly enhancing the platform in order to make it more enjoyable for our Mushers and Hakisers. Do not hesitate to contact us for any comments on the latest changes!

Today we shed the light on the new Hakiweb – the directory animated by the entire Hakisa community.

With the latest changes, you can now even more easily discover new websites according to your centers of interest.

In fact, depending on your interests (entered during your registration on Hakisa or added later on), the Hakiweb now offers the possibility to visit websites which correspond to your centers of interest.

Based on a community directory principle, the different websites in each category are animated according to the recommendations of other users. Indeed, by visiting and adding new websites to Hakiclic, every member participates to enrich the Hakiweb. This part of the platform will be in constant evolution, as the number of proposed websites will rise with the number of Hakisa users.

You can for every center of interest find the latest adds, comments of the community and news. A listing of different websites is also available.Hakiweb category shoppingYou can discover new sites even if they do not match your centers of interest when you enter some keywords in the search bar.

Hakiweb search results for holiday
For example, when you enter ‘Holiday’ in the search bar, you will find a listing of different websites tagged with the word ‘Holiday’. You can easily add your search query to your centers of interest. Just click on the button “add to my centers of interest …”

When you click on one of the proposed buttons, you can easily visit the website, see comments of other members related to the website, recommend the website or directly add the website to your Hakiclic.

Hakiweb holiday search results

The evolution of the Hakiweb will for sure not be the last improvement of the platform. We will keep you posted! See you soon on


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