New on Hakisa: an alarm management application for IoT

March 28, 2018

Working for the well-being at home at all age, Hakisa technology integrates the alarm management of connected devices that secure homes and people. In order to best meet the needs of its customers and their users, Hakisa now offers business managers a complete alarm management application to manage their customers’ IoT alarms. Alarm management application: socializing the

Hakisa technology: a new claim feature to manage user feedback

February 28, 2018

Hakisa develops an innovative technology to enable professionals to manage and animate their communities and provide them all the services they need on a daily basis. Thus, Hakisa strives to equip administrators with all the tools necessary for community management. Among these tools, the Hakisa technology now includes an application of conversations between Club Managers and

Smart Care by Hakisa: one of the 30 European innovations of Active and Healthy Ageing!

March 16, 2017

During the last months PROEIPAHA (Pro European Innovation Partnershop on Active and Healthy Ageing), a project supported and financed by the European Commission, was looking for innovative solutions in the field of “AHA“: active and healthy ageing. A jury composed of multidisciplinary experts from 6 different countries evaluated a large number of solutions and selected 30

From social network to social hub

April 20, 2015

More and more people of all ages use social networks. The need of social link between family and friends is an essential aspect during the whole life. Today,  new kind of partners appear: smart objects. But do they really have a place in our social networks? At Hakisa, we believe they do. The integration of connected objects is one of